dimecres, 26 de febrer del 2014

Trophic Webs

2nd ESO students have been working on ecosystems and they have designed trophic food webs. Below you can see some of them:

dilluns, 24 de febrer del 2014

European Countries

by Robert Flores

by Raquel Ramos

by Gemma Gómez

by Laura Macià

by Adrià Sorribas

by Eduard Flores

Optical Art and 3D Art

How to make Op Art

How to draw a 3D hand

After studying the basic elements of visual expression (the dot, the lines, the plane, the texture and the colour), 2nd ESO students have been learning how to make op art and 3D hands. Here are some of their results:

divendres, 7 de febrer del 2014

Geotropism in Plants

The students of 2nd ESO have been learning how gravity affects root growth by carrying out a simple scientific plant experiment using seeds.