dilluns, 12 de novembre del 2012

An Inconvenient Truth

This documentary is about the climate change and global warming. The climate change has been caused by some actions of humans: pollution, cutting down trees, etc. These actions make that the temperature of the Earth is going up and the north and south Poles are melting. If we pollute more, Greenland will disappear. In this documentary, you can see the radical change of the temperatures of the world in few years.

by Anna del Rosal and Queralt Adam

Welcome Message

For the next two years we'll be participating in a project called PILE (Projecte Integrat de Llengües Estrangeres) which consists of learning English through other subjects in ESO. Below you'll find the presentation with the subjects and contents our students will be working on this year. This work will be possible thanks to the teachers who have been brave enough to get involved in such a challenging experience.